Academy PanAfrican Dagbede APAAD

Tanguieta | Benin

Hello. ACADEMY PANAFRICAN DAGBEDE representative  . APAAD  began its activities as a soccer club in its home country of Benin in Africa in 2012, and has since expanded its activities. Currently, we are holding soccer classes for U8-U20 at three locations near Cotonou. I feel it is necessary to establish an academy as an environment where students can concentrate on soccer more than ever before, and a place that expands educational opportunities in basic subjects. I would like to establish APAAD Academy and expand the options for hopeful children in the Republic of Benin. Everyone in Japan, please help us! DAGBEDE TCHEDESSOU MARCEL originally from the Republic of Benin in West Africa. After graduating from university, he came to Japan in 2013. He is a graduate student at Kyoto University, majoring in energy conversion science. Developing a suspicious object detection device as a counter-terrorism measure for the 2020 Olympic and Paralympic Games. After graduating, he worked as an electrical engineer at an electrical manufacturing company in Kyoto. He has loved soccer since he was a child, and on the weekends he plays soccer for elementary school students.He coaches Love.  ACADEMY APAAP was started by Mr. DAGBEDE TCHEDESSOU MARCEL in the Republic of Benin, located in West Africa, and focuses mainly on soccer.


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